Change Essay Words: Free & Online Tool

Change any text with this paraphrasing tool in 3 steps:

  1. Paste the text to change.
  2. Set the percentage to be paraphrased.
  3. Click on "Paraphrase" and receive your new text.


Words to change

  • 20%
  • 40%
  • 60%
  • 80%
  • 100%

Paraphrasing is one of the most crucial skills in essay writing. It enhances the clarity and coherence of an essay and allows you to use sources without plagiarism. However, manually changing the words might be too time-consuming for students with tight deadlines.

We've designed an online free tool to change essay words for you in a few easy clicks. Continue reading to learn more about our paraphrasing software and effective rewording strategies.

🧰 Change Essay Words: How to Use the Tool

By paraphrasing, students can avoid plagiarism and showcase their unique perspectives on a topic. You can paraphrase texts manually if you want to improve your rewording skills. Alternatively, try our tool to change essay words quickly and get high quality.

Here's a small guide on how to use our online word changer:

  • Choose the text you want to paraphrase and paste it into the tool.
  • Choose the percentage of words you would like to be rephrased.
  • Click the "Paraphrase" button and edit the text if needed.

Note that if you click on any word in the paraphrased version of your text, you can see its possible synonyms. The tool allows you to experiment with rewording as much as you want until you get the perfect result.

✍️ How to Change Essay Words

There's no universal rule for efficient paraphrasing because everything depends on your goal. This section will provide the best rewording tips for avoiding plagiarism and making your text longer or shorter.

To Avoid Plagiarism

It's not enough to replace some words with synonyms to avoid plagiarism. Besides changing the vocabulary, you should use different sentence structures. Change the order of words, use synonyms, and vary the sentence length to make your paraphrase different from the original. You should also give credit to your source using in-text citations formatted according to your chosen citation style.

Wondering how this strategy works in practice? Check out the example!

Original text Paraphrased text
The lack of protection for the nurses as they handle patients with the disease poses an ethical dilemma about the extent of their responsibility to patients and their family's risk of failure of personal protection during care. The challenge of lack of protective equipment and many uses is facing distress concerning maintaining the care needed for patients and keeping themselves safe. According to PapersGeeks (2023), nurses face an ethical dilemma because of a lack of protective equipment and its multiple uses. They have to choose between their duty of care to the patients and their own safety.

To Make an Essay Shorter

If you need to paraphrase a text to make it shorter, you should first identify the key ideas and concepts that must be retained in the reworded version. Then you should eliminate unnecessary details and repetitions.

Here are some types of words that can often be cut out to make the text shorter.

Types of words to cut out Examples
✂️ Unnecessary adjectives and adverbs Very, extremely, really, quite, etc.
✂️ Redundant phrases The end result, past history, future plans, etc.
✂️ Filler words and phrases Actually, basically, literally, needless to say, etc.
✂️ Wordy expressions

Due to the fact that → because

In order to → to

In a timely manner → promptly, on time

Let's see how it works on an example:

👎 Original sentence: Due to the fact that I was feeling extremely tired and exhausted, I decided to go to bed early in order to get some much-needed rest.

👍 Shorter paraphrased sentence: Feeling very tired, I went to bed early to rest.

To Make an Essay Longer

If you need to write a long essay but cannot reach the word count, don't try to raise the font size or put extra spaces. Your teacher will likely notice that something is wrong.

Instead, you can paraphrase to make the text longer. Try to incorporate transitional words and phrases like "in addition," "moreover," or "furthermore" to connect sentences and provide a more extensive discussion of the topic.

Make sure not to use contractions, such as "don't" or "isn't" — they are inappropriate in academic writing and make your essay shorter.

And finally, check if you've included everything on the rubric and haven't missed any essay part, such as an introduction or a conclusion. After all, you can always add more arguments or examples to add length and depth to your paper.

To Make Your Writing Clearer

Remember that paraphrasing is not simply about making the essay shorter or longer but about conveying information more effectively. Here are some of the most powerful tips to make your writing clearer:

  • Beak down complex ideas into more digestible parts, ensuring their meaning remains the same.
  • Remove or rephrase all wordy and redundant phrases in your essay to convey your intended meaning more directly.
  • Be cautious of nominalizations — nouns made from verbs or adjectives. They are often part of wordy phrases that can be substituted with a single word. For example, instead of saying "gave an approvement," simply put "approved."
  • Use active voice whenever possible to make your essay more engaging and understandable.
  • Never leave out words like "this," "that," "these," and "those" without a noun they refer to.

Let's consider examples to see how paraphrasing can help clarify the content.

Unclear sentences Clear sentences
❌ The order was delivered by the company in a period of ten days. ✅ The company delivered the order in ten days.
❌ Jack was always unprepared for class. This made his teacher mad. ✅ Jack was always unprepared for class. His constant unpreparedness made his teacher mad.
❌ The management of the project was undertaken by the team leader. ✅ The team leader managed the project.

🤩 Change Words to Avoid Plagiarism: Tool Benefits

Several benefits make our paraphrasing tool stand out among similar rewording software. Check them out below:

  • It's free. You get unlimited attempts to paraphrase any text with no hidden payments.
  • It suggests synonyms. Our paraphrasing tool lets you choose from various synonyms for words or phrases in the original text. This feature allows for greater flexibility and customization in the rephrasing process.
  • It's adjustable. The tool allows you to set the percentage of words that should be reworded in the paraphrased version.
  • It maintains the text's original meaning. The tool ensures that the paraphrased content remains accurate while presenting it in a new and unique way.
  • It's limitless. It allows you to paraphrase the text as many times as you want until you're pleased with the results.

❓ Word Changer FAQ

❓ How to Change Words to Avoid Plagiarism?

You can always use our online essay changer to make any text original and avoid plagiarism. However, if you want to paraphrase manually, follow this simple guide. Start by reading the original content thoroughly to understand its meaning. Then, rephrase the sentences using synonyms, different sentence structures, and alternative word choices. Finally, review the paraphrased text for coherence and accuracy.

❓ How to Change an Essay into Your Own Words?

To rewrite an essay into your own words, read it carefully, take notes, and work on each paragraph individually. You should keep the content-specific vocabulary untouched. Use synonyms and alter the sentence structure for the rest of the text. After rewriting the entire essay, read through it to check for any errors or areas that may still resemble the original too closely.

❓ What Words to Change to Make an Essay Longer?

Replace general or vague terms with specific and descriptive words to make an essay longer. Add transitional phrases to connect your thoughts and create a smooth flow. Use subordinating conjunctions (such as "although," "while," and "because") to create complex sentences that convey more information and depth. However, avoid adding unnecessary filler words or repeating information to reach a word count.

🔗 References

  1. Paraphrase: Write It in Your Own Words | Purdue Online Writing Lab
  2. Avoiding Plagiarism – Paraphrasing | Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  3. 7 Tips for Clear and Concise Writing | MasterClass
  4. 10 Tips for Writing Clear, Concise Sentences | YourDictionary
  5. Paraphrasing | La Trobe University