ABC Company’s Human Relations Management Analysis


Considering the company’s particular requirements, the fact that treating people with respect results in increased profits is very useful to the circumstance and can assist the company in achieving its business objectives as it expands. This product was created to assist other businesses in the healthcare industry in overcoming a wide variety of obstacles by using their products. The organization will continue to collaborate closely with the involved parties and the sales force throughout this procedure. The company will be present to offer support and answer questions as they arise, in addition to providing a detailed timeline and weekly updates on the status of the business.

Evaluation of the Lessons Learned in HR and How to Apply Them at ABC

HR will play a pivotal role when a new business model is introduced. Leadership skills in dealing with unions, employees, managers, and government officials are essential in a large corporation like ABC. These skills include negotiation, grievance management, strike and lockout resolution, and compliance with legal requirements. While gathering information about the market and shaping the group, the first order of business is to draw up an organizational chart highlighting key positions. A period of adjustment and education is required for a startup to reach its full potential and seize the market. It is suggested that a human resources group be set up to aid in the development of a new budget item. Get the project manager involved so they can direct the hiring of new staff members for the expanding divisions.

Challenges Faced by HR in Big Businesses

In today’s fast-paced and always-evolving business world, it is unavoidable for there to be change within an organization. This change could be structural, economic, geographical, procedurally, managerial, or technological, with the latter having the most significant influence and posing the biggest challenges to HR. During times of change, HR faces significant challenges such as decreased employee morale and satisfaction, self-doubt, and attrition. The inability of employees to adjust their behaviors in response to new circumstances can cause an organization’s demise. The prominent consideration individuals can make to manage change positively is anticipating it and getting the workers ready for it.

HR New Strategic Directions and Function

Recruitment and Selection

A fundamental challenge for the HR manager is selecting an appropriate applicant for a position from a large pool of potential candidates. The company is obligated to ensure that the candidate is qualified and meets all of the prerequisites for the position at all times, as well as make any necessary adjustments to the selection process from time to time (Leicht-Deobald et al., 2022). Training for the candidate ought to be made available if necessary to achieve quality results.

Employee Engagement & Retention

In today’s world, merely paying employees their wages and salaries is not enough; employers also need to provide other benefits. Human resources management’s role is to ensure that employees have a healthy emotional balance. They need to make an effort to understand the employees’ mentalities, requirements, and feelings and then motivate the employees whenever and wherever appropriate enabling them to put more effort into service delivery.

Total Rewards

A responsibility that falls on the shoulders of the manager of human resources is to strike a balance between the priorities of management and those of employees. Profits, commitment, cooperation, loyalty, and sincerity are the factors that management expects, whereas employees expect better salaries and wages, safety and security, healthy working conditions, career development, and participatory working (Gonzalez, 2019). Management is expected to provide these factors to employees.

Learning & Development

It is necessary to undertake the planning and execution of training programs and programs for the development of managerial skills in order to hone and improve the employees’ skills as well as to expand their knowledge base. The level of an individual’s performance will determine the compensation level, which may include a salary, bonus, allowances, incentives, and perquisites (Bernstein, 2019). Since the business is expanding faster, it is essential to maintain employee morale by expressing gratitude to those employees who go above and beyond the call of duty.

Organizational Effectiveness & Development

The HR should approach the steps involved in carrying out this activity in a manner that is distinct from how they would be treated on an ordinary day at work. If workers do not receive good feedback from their supervisors, the quality of their future work will suffer. Utilizing a scientific evaluation method that is flexible enough to accommodate ever-evolving requirements and that should be evaluated consistently is necessary.

Cultural Considerations

The ability to recognize and appreciate one’s own perspectives and preferences is crucial to cultural awareness. This can challenge health professionals because they are expected to operate within the parameters of generally accepted medical and healthcare practices and procedures (McKenzie, 2021). The company ought to have a cultural factor that ought to be taken into consideration for employees who are receiving palliative care, and this factor should include, Language barriers, Lack of familiarity with the idea that we take care of our products, Personal experiences/past trauma, Differences between religions and faith in complementary and alternative medicine. Putting aside their values, education, and training in order to work alongside workers who have different perspectives and beliefs is going to be a challenge that will always be present for health professionals (Sedyastuti et al., 2021). The practice of debriefing within a team working on a healthcare product can help maintain focus on the workers and achieve their care goals.

Business Case

There is a standard approach to considering a business case for ABC company’s requirement that it emphasizes its expansion rate. A good and successful business should have goals and objectives. ABC Company’s long-term goal is to become widely recognized as the most knowledgeable, dependable, and customer-oriented provider of healthcare services in the market today. In order to achieve this goal, the company must first earn the public’s trust by demonstrating that it is the friendliest provider of healthcare services.

Sustainability Objectives for Business

  • Boost contentment among current patrons.
  • Raise Consumer Conscience About the Product
  • Discover untapped markets for goods and services.
  • Widen the Scope of the Offerings
  • Employee happiness can be increased by
  • Raise the level of dialogue between management
  • Spend less money running operations and make more money while making more connections with potential business partners.
  • Amend compensation and benefit plans for staff
  • Create a training plan for new employees.

Legal and Ethical Considerations of ABC Company

General Key Ethical Concerns with the Method:

  • To protect an individual’s privacy, sensitive information should not be shared with third parties without their knowledge and consent. Any such sharing should be limited to what is necessary to achieve the stated goal.
  • Refraining from doing or allowing anything that could cause physical, mental, spiritual, or emotional harm.
  • The company will not disclose any client information without express written consent from the client.

Frequently Asked Questions

In What Ways Can the Potential for Failure of a Given Endeavor Be Assessed?

The solution is to ensure that team members are aware of and understand the management and executive-level expectations that have been shared with them. The potential for catastrophe is diminished. Secondly, it is important to track KPIs to ensure that the team is staying on track with the project’s timeline, budget, and output quality standards. The ability to foresee and recognize potential issues helps them mitigate their impact.

When a Dispute Arises Within a Group, How Should It Be Resolved?

Disagreements are possible and are more likely to occur when people believe in the best way to complete a task. The HR department should invite team members to take a step back in the first stage of the process, and then they should lead a discussion among team members so that everyone understands each other’s points of view. The team should engage in negotiations to find a solution that will put the group in the best possible position to arrive at the best approach.

What Metrics Does One Use to Evaluate Team Performance?

To increase efficiency, team leaders should evaluate data and extract insights from it to help in decision-making. The KPIs, a team, focuses on will be closely related to the company’s strategic goals. Consider the quantity, quality, and length of time in a broader sense. When determining the quality of a piece of work, it is essential to consider the number of flaws and the client’s level of satisfaction.

How to Interview Prospective Team Members?

It is critical for a team leader to have the goal of developing a superstar team rather than just a team of superstars. HR should focus on ensuring that applicants not only have the necessary hard skills but also soft critical skills such as written and spoken communication, logical thinking, adaptability, attention to detail, and dependability. It is crucial to ask behavioral, competency, opinion, and brain teaser questions during the interview. These should be asked in addition to questions aimed to check the candidate’s competence and qualifications.


In order for planned interventions to successfully establish high-performing teams, upper management must be willing to invest in the teams by devoting resources and providing support to ensure that team members are granted the flexibility to make their own decisions. For large companies such as ABC, productive team members need to possess various skill sets, which must be combined with skilled leadership to achieve the desired productivity results of increased customer happiness and increased profitability. Within the next two weeks, the company’s stakeholders, the customer representative, the government officials, and the management team should have another meeting to fully review the plan to determine the most effective course of action for the business. The decisions that were reached after giving serious consideration to the thoughts and feelings that every member of the team shared will have the greatest impact on the organization. This is the defining characteristic of all major and successful corporations. When management and staff are seen as autonomous units with their own contributions to the organization, everyone benefits from the group process. It is important to mine the characteristics of employees to foster collaborative outcomes.


Bernstein, A. (2019). Paths to growth: Considerations when acquiring another business. Nursing and Residential Care, 21(1), 46–48. Web.

Gonzalez, M. E. (2019). Improving customer satisfaction of a healthcare facility: Reading the customers’ needs. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 26(3), 854–870. Web.

Leicht-Deobald, U., Busch, T., Schank, C., Weibel, A., Schafheitle, S., Wildhaber, I., & Kasper, G. (2022). The challenges of algorithm-based HR decision-making for personal integrity. Business and the Ethical Implications of Technology, 71–86. Web.

McKenzie, D. (2021). Small business training to improve management practices in developing countries: Re-assessing the evidence for ‘training doesn’t work.’ Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 37(2), 276–301. Web.

Sedyastuti, K., Suwarni, E., Rahadi, D. R., & Handayani, M. A. (2021). Human resources competency at Micro, Small and medium enterprises in Palembang songket industry. Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ANCOSH 2020). Web.

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PapersGeeks. (2024, May 23). ABC Company's Human Relations Management Analysis.

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"ABC Company's Human Relations Management Analysis." PapersGeeks, 23 May 2024,

1. PapersGeeks. "ABC Company's Human Relations Management Analysis." May 23, 2024.


PapersGeeks. "ABC Company's Human Relations Management Analysis." May 23, 2024.


PapersGeeks. 2024. "ABC Company's Human Relations Management Analysis." May 23, 2024.


PapersGeeks. (2024) 'ABC Company's Human Relations Management Analysis'. 23 May.

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