Robo-Advisor: The Business Plan


The rise of robo-advisors, which provide low-cost, automated investment management services, has shaken up the financial consulting sector in recent years. These platforms have upended the old industry, which was once controlled by significant investment management firms that paid exorbitant fees for individualized investment management services. We will create a business plan for a robo-advisor in this essay, including our target market, significant features, marketing approach, competitive environment, and financial predictions.

A Successful Robo Advisor: Key Considerations and Strategies

Our robo-advisor is aimed at tech-savvy millennials who want to manage their finances online and place a premium on price and simplicity. We strive to deliver an easy-to-understand investment management solution without the need to pay hefty fees to a financial advisor (Anshari et al., 2022). Our target market is similarly worried about taxes and is looking for tax-efficient solutions to reduce its tax payments. Our robo-advisor has numerous crucial elements to appeal to our target demographic. To begin, we provide low-cost investment management services, costing no more than 50 basis points, which is much less than what incumbents charge (Berger, 2022). This feature is appealing to our target market, which is searching for low-cost investment management services.

Second, we concentrate on exchange-traded funds (ETFs), which provide a diverse portfolio at a cheap cost. Our target market emphasizes simplicity and ease of use; therefore, this restricted variety of investment alternatives appeals to them (Belanche et al., 2019). Finally, our technology provides sophisticated tax-loss harvesting procedures to minimize tax liabilities, which is an essential aspect of our target market. Finally, our platform is simple to use and understand, especially for those with no prior investment expertise.

The rise of robo-advisors has also helped to democratize the investment management sector. Personalized investment management services were previously exclusively offered to high-net-worth clients who could afford expensive costs. Yet, robo-advisors have made investment management services more accessible to a broader audience, including those who are just beginning their financial journey (Brenner & Meyll, 2020). One of the most significant benefits of robo-advisors is their capacity to provide low-cost investment management services. Conventional investment firms charge hefty fees for individualized investment management services, which might reduce an investor’s profits (Tao et al., 2021). Robo advisors, on the other hand, manage investments using automated algorithms, which drastically cut their operational expenses. As a result, they may provide investment management services at far cheaper costs than typical investment management businesses.

Another benefit of robo-advisors is their capacity to provide tax-advantaged investing methods. Taxes may drastically affect an investor’s profits, and traditional investment management firms are frequently required to consider the tax consequences of their investment decisions (Tao et al., 2021). Robo advisors, on the other hand, employ sophisticated algorithms to reduce tax obligations while increasing after-tax profits for investors. Robo advisors also provide a degree of simplicity and convenience of use that many investors find appealing (Zhang et al., 2021). Conventional investment management businesses frequently employ sophisticated investing methods and vocabulary that the typical investor may find challenging to comprehend. Robo advisors, on the other hand, provide uncomplicated investing ideas that are simple to understand and apply.

Nevertheless, while robo-advisors have numerous advantages over traditional financial management organizations, they also have drawbacks. One of the most significant issues is the requirement for tailored guidance. Robo advisors manage investments using algorithms, which means they may require assistance in taking into consideration an investor’s individual circumstances and risk tolerance (Zhang et al., 2021). As a result, in order to make educated investing decisions, investors may want more specialized counsel.

Another issue is the possibility of theoretical technological failure. Robo advisors rely on technology to handle investments, and any breakdown of such technology might result in enormous losses for investors. While most robo-advisors have comprehensive risk management processes in place to limit these risks, investors are nevertheless concerned about the possibility of technical breakdowns (Zhang et al., 2021). To reach our tech-savvy clientele, our marketing plan will rely heavily on digital platforms such as social media and internet advertising. We will also collaborate with finance and technology influencers to raise brand awareness and reputation. Our marketing language will highlight our platform’s price, simplicity, and tax efficiency, as these are essential qualities that appeal to our target demographic.

We anticipate that the vast incumbents will respond to our new product by providing comparable robo-advisor services. But, our low-cost and user-friendly platform, as well as our focus on tax-efficient solutions, will give us a competitive advantage. Our target market is price-sensitive and prioritizes simplicity and ease of use, and our platform outperforms our competitors in these areas. In terms of financial projections, we expect to break even within two years and achieve profitability within three years. Our fee structure is based on a percentage of assets under management, with a fee cap of 50 basis points (Berger, 2022). We expect to control $100 million in assets within three years, producing $500,000 in yearly revenue.


Finally, our robo-advisor provides a low-cost, straightforward, and tax-efficient platform for individuals who are comfortable managing their assets online. We think our platform will give us a competitive advantage against massive incumbents who may struggle to compete on price and simplicity. Our financial estimates indicate that we will be profitable within three years, making our robo-advisor an attractive investment option. With our revolutionary investment management platform, we look forward to servicing our target market and assisting them in achieving their financial goals.


Anshari, M., Almunawar, M. N., & Masri, M. (2022). Digital Twin: Financial Technology’s Next Frontier of Robo-Advisor. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 15(4), 163. Web.

Belanche, D., Casaló, L. V., & Flavián, C. (2019). Artificial Intelligence in Fintech: Understanding robo-advisors adoption among customers. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 119(7), 1411–1430. Web.

Berger, R. (2022). 7 robo advisors that make investing effortless. Forbes. Web.

Brenner, L., & Meyll, T. (2020). Robo-advisors: A substitute for human financial advice? Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 25, 100275. Web.

Shanmuganathan, M. (2020). Behavioural finance in an era of artificial intelligence: Longitudinal Case Study of Robo-advisors in investment decisions. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 27, 100297. Web.

Tao, R., Su, C.-W., Xiao, Y., Dai, K., & Khalid, F. (2021). Robo advisors, algorithmic trading and investment management: Wonders of fourth industrial revolution in financial markets. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 163, 120421. Web.

Zhang, L., Pentina, I., & Fan, Y. (2021). Who do you choose? Comparing perceptions of human vs robo-advisor in the context of financial services. Journal of Services Marketing, 35(5), 634–646. Web.

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PapersGeeks. (2024, May 31). Robo-Advisor: The Business Plan.

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"Robo-Advisor: The Business Plan." PapersGeeks, 31 May 2024,

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PapersGeeks. "Robo-Advisor: The Business Plan." May 31, 2024.


PapersGeeks. 2024. "Robo-Advisor: The Business Plan." May 31, 2024.


PapersGeeks. (2024) 'Robo-Advisor: The Business Plan'. 31 May.

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