Why to Develop New Strategic Management Theories


Strategic management refers to the method and process of defining the goals of an organization, putting in place the policies, plans, paradigms, and programs necessary to achieve the goals, and allocating the necessary resources to carry out the programs, policies, plans, and paradigms. Additionally, it is believed that the three strategic management phases are integrated into one stage of strategic management, which means developing and putting into practice a strategy. Understanding an organization’s strategic position, current management strategy, and future strategic choices are all aspects of strategic management. Strategic management includes management as well as examining an organization’s business strategy. Additionally, it involves modeling and assessing the whole system’s corporate strategy, including the organization’s strategic position, strategic decisions, and ongoing strategy both within and beyond the agency.


The definition of strategic management theory is a system, statement, and premise of points of view intended to explain the principles, history, uses, and evolution of strategic management. The contingency approach, information technology technique, and system viewpoint to corporate management are the main sources of theoretical foundations for strategic management (Hutahayan, 2020). Resource-based, agency, human resource, contingency, profit-maximization, competition-based, and survival-based theories are the most prevalent strategic management theories that are relevant to and recognized for modern industrial and governmental entities. The primary objective of this essay is not to analyze these strategic management theories’ many facets in-depth (Hutahayan, 2020). However, it concentrates on outlining the challenges of creating new theories of strategic management and the difficulty of doing so in a way that allows for empirical testing.

Therefore, senior management personnel in a company primarily use strategic management theories to effectively guide the whole organization or staff in achieving the organization’s vision and goals. It is becoming increasingly important for a business to properly implement a strategic management theory to remain competitive within the market and expand its market share (Hutahayan, 2020). Because of some of these factors, there is a growing need to create new strategic management theories.

Many businesses worldwide started to experience turbulence in their business strategies during their initial growth to snag the global market. In order to properly construct their business plans, many of these organizations concentrated on the notion of creating new models (Taouab & Issuer, 2019). The alarming rate at which business globalization appears to be accelerating has given rise to a brand-new discipline called “global strategic management.” This cutting-edge profession combines international business and strategic management disciplines not to create global business plans for domestic and foreign corporations.

Although most studies in this area focus mostly on normal business conditions, historical revolutionary occurrences across time make it clear that current events are not typical. The emergence of a new era in international affairs that impacts strategic management is signaled by these epoch-making events, including the fall of communism. The information revolution, the emergence of an environmental ethic, and the unification of Europe, among other exceptional developments in globalization (Markovits & Reich, 2018). These revolutionary developments necessitate revisions to strategic management theories and the development of more adaptable and solid theories that can consider the current changes in international company operations.

Global integration is one of the many tendencies in globalization that asks for the presence of flexible and adaptive strategic management ideas. In terms of global integration, the globe is coming together as a single community connected by a shared global culture, an international economy, and communication networks. Such processes eventually significantly impact how various multinational businesses make decisions. This may force them to concentrate on uniting existing economic and political blocs into an international system that promotes open and free trade, a single currency, an international banking system, and a certain type of global government.

The most appropriate and adaptable strategic management theories may be produced as a result of all these factors, which can alter the present system of strategic management and influence decisions made by diverse businesses. These theories might help develop strategies and tactics for defining organizational goals, establishing policies, plans, paradigms, and programs to achieve the goals, and allocating resources to implement the policies, plans, paradigms, and programs.

The management of complexity is another trend in globalization. With the present challenging institutions, it appears practically hard to stop this startling tendency. What passes for unresolved psychopathology often reflects an inability to address issues of individual and societal variety effectively. Most nations appear to have solved this issue. Companies that adopt a top-down management style appear to have difficulty diversifying to meet the needs of several market segments (Liddy et al., 2022). Most governments are still not ready to deal with the complexities of poverty, education, social issues, and crime. In order to govern such a complex fictional universe, numerous institutions are necessary to use decision-making strategies that are strategic enough not to interfere with their regular corporate decision-making. Managing diversity in the corporate world will be made simpler and easier with the help of new strategic management ideas. As a result, many of the businesses concentrated on the notion of creating new models that would help them construct their corporate strategy efficiently.

The numerous research carried out to ascertain the most efficient ways to operate a corporation strategically have been associated with the steady advancements in the field of strategic management. Academics still scrutinize the already established ideas since their empirical testing provides contradictory outcomes. This is important because each theory builds its case on certain management components while ignoring the effects it can have on other parts of the same management (Foss & Pedersen, 2019). Additionally, several other theories on corporate management include some assumptions that shouldn’t be assumed. The need to generate new theories of strategic management has been prompted by issues with the current ideas of that discipline. This study aims to examine these pressures and the challenges of producing theories that can be experimentally tested.

Over the past two decades, a variety of businesses have collected an ever-increasing amount of data. As a result, this trajectory has aided in decision-making based on data gathered by organizations, which is far more accurate and superior to decision-making based on previous decision-making models based on hunch and experience. The availability of this data has caused several businesses to alter their business models and do so often to obtain an advantage over rivals in the market and grow their market shares.

Strategic management ideas have been the subject of much investigation, intending to determine whether they are true or not. Many theories have failed to appropriately regulate the numerous situational factors included in strategic activities, which has led to efforts to develop new theories of strategic management. In order to arrive at their conclusions, theories must not include all facets of company administration. As an illustration, some strategic management theories see strategy as the type of investments businesses make. However, some alternative strategic management theories emphasize the investment variables while ignoring other factors, such as the businesses’ market placement. In the literature, these hypotheses have a strong foundation seen practically.

A corporation’s competitive advantage includes more than the firm’s investment decisions. In order to maximize resource usage and provide efficient outcomes, it also includes integrating different company-wide operations. The theories do not address the crucial ideas essential to a firm’s operators. The theories’ remaining unsolved questions increase pressure to create new theories of strategic management.

Due to the requirement to validate the ideas, empirical studies of strategic management theories have become necessary. Sadly, very few of the empirical studies that have been done have been published. This is a result of the theories’ numerous flaws and shortcomings. Due to variations in their ideas, the researchers who administer the tests also provide debatable results. The source-based theory’s empirical findings have not yet been released. In order to acquire a competitive edge, a firm’s resources and skills are crucial, according to the resource-based theory (Kustiningsih et al., 2019). However, the theory overlooks crucial elements that must be comprehended for its application to be successful. The number of strategic capabilities and resources is not quantified in any particular way. In other words, some assets and skills cannot simply be classified as strategic or non-strategic. The theory also does not sufficiently stress the necessity of integrating resources into company activities so that their efficacy may be recovered. Such flaws in the theories have increased the push to create new theories of strategic management.

Some studies released a report on the outcomes of empirical testing done on resource-based theory. The resource-based hypothesis has been the subject of several empirical tests, which are stated further. Despite the numerous tests, only one empirical report has been published, but the findings support the theory. The empirical findings show how crucial a firm’s resources and competencies are in achieving a competitive edge. As a result, the theory’s proponents are given evidence supporting its application and validity. As a result, these proponents apply the theory to describe strategic management as trustworthy.

In order to give a complete knowledge of strategic management that considers every facet of corporate management, researchers are working to build new theories in this area. Theoretical frameworks that can function in a business organization to advance the firm are also sought after by academics. The necessity to address all facets of corporate management is another factor driving forces to create new strategic management theories. This article explains how several factors help or impair strategic management.

Although certain ideas are the most popular in the field of strategic management, they have not held up to empirical scrutiny. No findings to back up these hypotheses have been published, despite the multiple empirical tests that have been done on them. New strategic management theories are under strain in large part because of this. The researchers believe that the hypotheses may be incorrect and need to be corrected, or chains, on other business investors, are hesitant to apply the theories to their companies since the results might not be encouraging. In other instances, numerous empirical tests of the hypotheses have been carried out, but few or no have been published. It is also unclear whether the tests’ lack of publication was caused by the theories’ falsification or by the theories’ numerous flaws. As a result, many academics believe that further research on strategic management is necessary in order to create new ideas.

Additionally, several of the prescriptive contingency theories include unproven assumptions. Strategic management is described using assumptions proponents of these theories use presumptions as truths regarding strategic managers. It is a risk since business owners could use some of these presumptions in their operations only to get bad results. As a result, the theories based on these assumptions give rise to disagreements about how to verify them. Due to these deficiencies, scientists are under pressure to create new strategic management theories.

The presumptions in contingency theories of strategic management could appear fair, especially as they discuss the connection between the best strategy creation methods and top managers. However, the ideas are all assumptions and not based on facts. Furthermore, very few empirical that have been done on the hypotheses. As a result, there is a chance that the assumptions include false information, which should be handled carefully. A new strategic management theory must be created in light of the shortcomings of the current ideas.

Certain theories of strategic management assumptions are accurate. Assumptions can be employed as facts while establishing strategy because of their factual nature. Therefore, several investigations support the validity of the contingency theories. Because of this, the theories explain how strategic management should be implemented in a commercial organization. This offers convincing justifications and negates the requirement for new strategic management theories.

In the strategic management discipline, developing ideas that can be experimentally evaluated has been challenging. This is because every company has different organizational structures and operational methods. Therefore, it is challenging to establish a theory that addresses all aspects of strategic management independent of the variations in operations and management. Global business operations are also quite dynamic regarding new advancements and changes to how organizations conduct their company. This has been ascribed to the shifts in technological innovation and the creation of new information, which disrupt the way businesses typically function (Hofmann & Jaeger‐Erben, 2020). Research and development have also consistently been linked to changes in corporate management practices. As a result, certain elements of ideas that were created in the past lose relevance since they no longer reflect procedures used by modern organizations. As a result, empirical findings from such theories would provide falsification of the theory simply because the business’s activities are different.

Developing hypotheses that can be experimentally tested necessitates thoroughly examining the theory’s applicability. Attaining such a degree of applicability of the ideas during their development takes a significant investment of time and money. As it turns out, many theories fall short in commercial enterprises with various operational structures because they are so different (Hofmann & Jaeger‐Erben, 2020). Because of this, they were creating hypotheses that can be experimentally tested is challenging. The development of theories that fit all these objectives without sacrificing the others is also challenging, given the organization’s dynamic character and the complexity of management activities.

Theorists are driven to produce biased theories by their actions and views. Instead, they build hypotheses that support their claims. Furthermore, strategic management theories will probably make some generalizations about the discipline. Because certain things cannot be proven—or rather, cannot be tested because doing so would provide inconsistent findings from one company to the next—assumptions are formed. Frequently, unproven assumptions show that hypotheses are false. It becomes challenging to generate ideas that can be experimentally examined since it is impossible to develop theories that do not contain any assumptions. As a result, developing theories that do not contradict notions is difficult.

The procedures utilized to carry out empirical testing are rigorous and attentive to every aspect covered by the specific theories. The tests will likely reveal negative problems with the hypotheses since the theories have been examined in great detail. As a result, relatively few hypotheses can pass the empirical tests flawlessly. The hypotheses developed by modern researchers frequently fall short of all criteria for empirical testing.

The difficulty in establishing hypotheses that can be experimentally tested is partly due to the researcher’s beliefs and behaviors. Theorists currently working on theories are believed to give their practices and views in strategic management much thought. Due to this, it is possible to base arguments not only on the philosophy and applicability of the ideas but also on the beliefs ingrained in their subconscious. The creation of strategic management theories is challenging as a result of such challenges. This is linked to the idea that hypotheses might be disproven by empirical research on them.

Furthermore, developments in strategic management over the years have been linked to ongoing modifications in corporate management practices. In the past, strategic management theories have been closely examined to determine their relevance in the commercial world. However, several of them were found to be false by the empirical tests that were done. Others who make assumptions have been criticized for asserting that the assumptions have not been tested and can thus not be utilized factually. Additionally, some theories have significant flaws since they frequently ignore important business management components. Pressure to create new theories of strategic management has existed for various reasons. This is an effort to better and more logically define strategic management.

After discussing the many factors that go into creating new theories of strategic management, it becomes clear that putting that theory to the test might seem like an insurmountable task for several good reasons. It takes time and effort to thoroughly test a novel strategic management theory to guarantee it applies to the real world of business. Several obstacles make it hard to test novel ideas in strategic management empirically. One of them is the length of time needed to put a theory through its paces in a real-world corporate setting. Additionally, the complexity of a company and the ever-increasing complexity of the formulation may impact the process of testing the theory. When it comes to putting freshly developed ideas to the test, the sheer variety of activities in which companies and other groups participate might be daunting. Ultimately, the testing of newly developed strategic management theories may be impacted by using diverse theories on separate industrial sectors that are difficult to integrate effectively.


Finally, on the other side, it is challenging to generate hypotheses that can be empirically tested. Thibecauseories must meet stringent requirements for empirical testing, which is challenging. Researchers find it challenging to create a single argument that addresses all facets of business organizations since operational methods for enterprises vary widely. As a result of the rapid adoption of new ideas in the field of strategic management, some features of the theories might quickly become out-of-date. In order to better understand the management processes, research investigations and the creation of new strategic management theories are ongoing.


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"Why to Develop New Strategic Management Theories." PapersGeeks, 25 May 2024, papersgeeks.com/why-to-develop-new-strategic-management-theories/.

1. PapersGeeks. "Why to Develop New Strategic Management Theories." May 25, 2024. https://papersgeeks.com/why-to-develop-new-strategic-management-theories/.


PapersGeeks. "Why to Develop New Strategic Management Theories." May 25, 2024. https://papersgeeks.com/why-to-develop-new-strategic-management-theories/.


PapersGeeks. 2024. "Why to Develop New Strategic Management Theories." May 25, 2024. https://papersgeeks.com/why-to-develop-new-strategic-management-theories/.


PapersGeeks. (2024) 'Why to Develop New Strategic Management Theories'. 25 May.

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