Netflix Inc.’s Management Analysis


Netflix is a service that specializes in providing entertainment via streaming media. Payable subscribers can access the platform’s extensive library of movies, TV episodes, documentaries, and more (smartphone, smart TV, laptop, etc.) whenever, anywhere, and on any internet-connected device. However, as was previously stated, Netflix did not initially employ this business strategy, let with this value intention. When one signs up for Netflix, he/she gains access to a library of movies, TV series, and documentaries that can be seen instantly online. Netflix continually updates the list with new movies, series, and TV shows for instant streaming by customers. It is now one of the top 50 websites, with Google, YouTube, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Hence, Netflix is the most visited video streaming website globally (Martin, 2007). Foundations of leadership are explored in depth, including how the company shapes leadership styles and attributes, strategic thinking, emotional intelligence, communication, leadership, etc.

Fundamentals of Leadership in Netflix Business Company

With Netflix, Reed Hastings employs a more hands-off management style than he did at his previous business, Pure Software, where he served as CEO. A leader who adopts a laissez-faire approach to management puts their faith in their team members’ ability to make sound decisions on their own (Onyusheva et al., 2021). Availability for further inspection, comment, or advice is always a possibility, and also it promotes the growth of the individual and the organization by allowing workers more leeway to think creatively, act swiftly, and rely on their discretion.

Leadership Style and Traits

Regarding their direct reports, Netflix wants its upper-level management to have only some power. It requests that they provide background information so workers can make educated decisions independently, even when hundreds of thousands of dollars are at stake (Au-Yong-Oliveira et al., 2020). Netflix’s dedication to hiring high performers gives them a lot of openness and independence. It also helps avoid constraints that can hinder innovation has allowed the firm to attract and retain top personnel and keep its innovative spirit alive.

Strategic Thinking of Netflix Business Company

Netflix’s marketing is effective in the digital era because it is data-driven and customer-centric. The company may employ the same methods that have succeeded in its marketing campaign (Kokas, 2020). The marketing approach taken by Netflix is a prime instance of technological advancement and innovation in the modern era (Martin, 2007). There has been much enthusiasm on the platform’s part to implement the modifications as the market or users have requested. One of the main reasons for marketing’s effectiveness is that it is constantly changing and adapting. As of 2022, Netflix had made approximately $31.6 billion thanks to its streaming platform (Kokas, 2020). By constantly analyzing and improving its services, Netflix has shown how a company may establish a rapport with its target audience. Summary of Netflix’s Business Model Netflix’s business strategy relies on subscribers paying for access to its library of TV episodes, movies, and other content in three tiers: basic, standard, and premium.

Emotional Intelligence of Netflix Company

With the help of sentiment analysis, Netflix has developed a more satisfying user experience by cutting down on excessive length in movie trailers. The plot expresses many emotions, including joy, surprise, fear, grief, and wrath (Khalil et al., 2021). Managers and executives at Netflix are expected to make the company’s core values their own. The company’s mission and values should not be just words on a wall but reflected in everything the staff does (Jensen et al., 2017). Netflix’s goal is to have no wiggle room in promoting and promoting from within people who do not uphold the company’s ideals while firing those who do (Jensen et al., 2017). Netflix uses emotional analytics to create a better customer experience by cutting down on excessive length in movie trailers so that viewers may make snap judgments about what to watch.

Communication and Leadership

Since it creates its programming, Netflix’s social media strategy involves engaging with its audience to promote the media material essential to the streaming service’s operation. Managers equip workers with all the required data to make educated choices (Khalil et al., 2021). They explain their goals to their teams in detail and then hand over actual authority, independence, and autonomy to their employees so that they can get the job done with minimal supervision. Workers at Netflix have much autonomy thanks to the Company’s flat organizational structure (Khalil et al., 2021). It is another name for a system of organization in which choices can be made quickly and independently by a small group or an individual. For its internal organization, Netflix uses a unitary structure called a U-form.

Organizational Culture and Climate

In the workplace, Netflix places a premium on people who are humble, self-aware, and motivated not by personal gain but by the Company’s success. To build a cooperative workplace and a performance-driven team, firms must choose leaders and workers who are honest with themselves first and then with others (Li et al., 2021). For a positive work environment, Netflix has designed its organizational structure to avoid using top-down decision-making processes.

Netflix has altered our viewing habits and the kinds of shows we enjoy. From 2012’s 24 million members to this year’s 214 million, it has successfully restructured traditional television programming and theatrical film models, placing itself at the center (Li et al., 2021). Customers’ previous entertainment options were going to the theater, renting VHS or DVDs, or watching whatever was airing live on television before the advent of Netflix. Customers can now access their favorite shows and movies on the go and on any device. Regarding watching movies and TV shows, Netflix has revolutionized the industry as they are liberated from the shackles of television and ads.

Laissez-faire leadership is effective when leaders provide sufficient background information for their teams to make sound decisions without further oversight. Laissez-Faire management works best when leaders provide adequate resources and assemble a group of top performers (Li et al., 2021). A laissez-faire leadership style can help grow a team and concentrate on strategic goals rather than day-to-day operations. If the leader is skilled at delegating duties, including explaining what needs to be done, playing to colleagues’ skills, allowing for failure, and being patient.

Teams Performance

In business, a high-performance team is a collection of highly talented individuals collaborating across departments to achieve a common objective. The group has the same goal and is all pulling in the same direction to achieve it; thus, they must have similar values and visions (Nafees et al., 2021). This powerhouse group is well-known for its high-quality communication, collaboration, and creative problem-solving abilities. At Netflix, feedback is not only an annual event but a regular part of the workday for everyone. It can be challenging to provide and receive constructive criticism.

Netflix provides training in giving and receiving feedback, and we also set an example of the kind of conduct we encourage throughout the firm. It requires humility and bravery to seek feedback on improving or reflecting on the comments the firm has yet to give to a colleague (Nafees et al., 2021). Both depend on honest and open communication, so we try to build solid business connections. In power imbalances, with recruits, in cultures where direct feedback is rare, or when the subject matter is unfamiliar, this level of directness is difficult.

Netflix Key Partners

Netflix’s key partners include media companies and television networks, which license their content to the Company; consumer electronics manufacturers. Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony include Netflix as part of their consoles’ standard features and Amazon Web Services (AWS), which hosts the Netflix platform (Burroughs, 2019). In addition, there are stockholders and authorities from the government that need to be taken into consideration. Fostering an environment of radical honesty is another means of realizing employees’ full potential (Julia et al., 2022). If staff members can share their thoughts and ideas, the business will be better equipped to face its challenges and thrive. One example would be allowing workers to identify problems with ongoing projects rather than trying to cover them up (Burroughs, 2019). In this way, being truthful helps create a culture where everyone feels safe contributing and is held to high standards.

Spirit of Excellence in an Organization

The best way for a company to rise to the top of its field is to provide employees with a working environment that maximizes their potential. The key is flexibility and adaptability: when workers are free to design their schedules, they are more likely to prioritize productivity above clock time (Burroughs, 2019). Researchers have found that remote workers are 47% more productive than their in-office counterparts. Thus, businesses will benefit from investing in people who can adapt quickly and invigorate teams in a dynamic setting.

Trusting Company Members

Workers are mature individuals with aspirations and desires in their professional lives. In that regard, they must be respected. As a result, workers are less motivated to fulfill their assignments when management assigns them to an assembly line rather than outlining how their labor contributes to larger business goals (Cunningham et al., 2021). In contrast, fostering a culture of collaboration and excellence through encouraging employees to think creatively and work together to achieve outcomes is the key to a successful workplace. Coaching employees and helping them attain professional milestones can motivate them to work more and perform better (Gebler, 2006). A similarly effective strategy for keeping the company’s team together and inspired is to ensure everyone is on the same page with the company’s business concept.

Rules and Regulation

People are likelier to get along and appreciate one another’s efforts when they are not around. Moreover, in less rigorous organizations, collaboration is higher because workers know the rationale behind adopting certain practices and can question and improve upon them (Maddodi, 2019). Organizations may eliminate unnecessary red tape, streamline operations to achieve their goals better, and adapt to market shifts with agile business models. Only through consistent dialogue will this be possible and regular meetings to review progress and provide news about the business can be scheduled.

Organizational Change Management

When a corporation adjusts its policies, strategies, operations, structures, infrastructure, and norms, it is undergoing organizational transformation. The rise of new technologies, the spread of globalization, the emergence of alternative markets, underperformance, and the demands of customers are among the most common stimuli for organizational shifts (Davis, 2021). The corporation has adapted to the digital era by making structural modifications. The worlds of learning, business, sports, entertainment, etc., have all been influenced by technological advancements (Lussier et al., 2004). Due to the rise of new technologies like computers, smartphones, and social media, many well-known businesses have shut down.

Some people have learned to adapt to the pace of change by adopting new methods of working and thinking. One of the best instances of a company that has successfully adapted its business model and strategy is Netflix (Mier et al., 2021). It has successfully navigated the turbulent waters of organizational change to gain a market advantage. The first Netflix headquarters were in Los Gatos, California. However, Netflix began in 1998 as a mail-order DVD rental service (Maddodi, 2019). The service was a rental agreement, and the currency accepted was the pay. As of the following year, 1999, the parental model. Netflix’s new monthly DVD rental subscription service by mail was just introduced.

Problem Management and Decision Making

In order to better deliver on our original vision of putting the consumer in charge of their entertainment, Netflix is constantly innovating and expanding its catalog of available titles. The Netflix user interface, for instance, has seen significant changes over the past decade (Kumar et al., 2020). In 2010, the user interface was unchanging, with few navigation ways and a design reminiscent of movie rental business displays (Julia et al., 2022). The user interface is now more interactive and focused on video, the navigation is more robust without being intrusive, and the presentation of the box art makes better use of the digital medium.

For Netflix, A/B testing has shown to be a superior method for determining how to enhance the service we provide to our subscribers. Experimentation allows all of our members to vote, with their actions, on how to continue to enhance their delightful Netflix experience rather than just a select number of executives or experts (Shattuc, 2020). Netflix uses the scientific method to guide its decision-making, including A/B testing and other causal inference methods like quasi-experiments (Gebler, 2006). We construct hypotheses, collect empirical data—including that gleaned through experiments—that supports or refutes our ideas, draw conclusions, and form new hypotheses based on this process.

Consensus-Building and Negotiations

Epix, a premium cable network, and Netflix have entered an exclusive license agreement. This was meant to help Epix and Netflix achieve their missions and visions while satisfying their customers’ requirements and preferences (Daidj et al., 2018). Netflix has likely taken a collaborative approach to the resolution of disputes. It is a method for resolving disagreements between businesses in which everyone involved benefits. The Netflix team took decisive action to advance the Company’s mission and fulfill its goals. Due to the issue that needed to be addressed in Starz’s absence, the cooperative approach to resolving conflicts was suitable (Shattuc, 2020). Building consensus entails sincerely attempting to accommodate the needs of all parties involved and arriving at unanimity. With a consensus-building strategy, groups can achieve near-unanimity among all affected parties, increasing the likelihood that all will benefit.

Ethics and Professional Codes of Conduct

Code of Ethics is established by the Board of Directors of Netflix, Inc. (“Company”) for its directors, officers, and other employees (individually, “Netflix Party” and collectively, “Netflix Parties”). In this context, “Senior Financial Officers” might refer to the chief executive officer, chief financial officer, chief accounting officer, controller, or other similarly situated individuals (Dias et al., 2018). This Code has been fairly crafted to discourage misconduct and to encourage honesty, ethical behavior, and compliance with government laws, rules, and regulations. The prompt internal notification of Code infractions to a suitable person or persons; Code compliance (Daidj et al., 2018). Full, fair, accurate, timely, and comprehensible disclosure in reports and records that a registrant files with, or submits to, the Securities and Exchange Commission and other public communications made by the Company.

Conflicts Management

Netflix takes a cooperative stance when it comes to the management of conflicts. A win-win strategy benefits all parties involved in a dispute. In order to get where it needed to go and realize its vision, Netflix took decisive action (Edition et al., 2018). Since this streaming requires cooperation, they reached out to Epix for assistance. There was a need in the premium streaming market meant to be filled by Epix by adding movies.

Strategic Planning

Netflix’s approach to advertising is a model of integration. It is integrated, flexible, and customer-driven to have the greatest possible effect. Netflix’s concept is based on the needs of its customers so that they can enjoy a trouble-free service (Lewis, 2002). The platform uses content and integrated marketing to its full potential, allowing for accurate targeting and insightful data analytics. Netflix places a premium on developing meaningful relationships with its viewers through individualized recommendations and other forms of personalized interaction. Much of their advertising is quite ingenious, and that helps them pull in viewers (Colonel). An updated and consistent presentation across multiple devices creates a unified viewing experience.

Power and Politics

When someone, some group, or some institution has power over others, they have the ability to affect their behavior and the behavior of those around them. The ability to persuade or impact people sometimes, people have influence they don’t even realize they have (Gómez et al., 2023). For one to feel powerful, they must believe that they are dependent on another. It’s possible to: Bring about a positive resolution on behalf of an individual who is experiencing difficulty Get a deserving employee promoted to a better position. To spend more than planned, you’ll need extra funding. Make sure things get added and removed from agendas Meet with key opinion formers quickly and easily (Pfeffer et al., 1981). Keep in close communication with key decision-makers. Get the scoop about upcoming changes in policy and administration early on. A person’s position in the company is the determining factor in how much authority that person has. As a result of ineffective project management structures, a project manager’s influence inside an organization is severely constrained.

The ability to provide followers with the kinds of reinforcement they seek provides the foundation for this. Other from monetary compensation, what else would motivate you to work hard for your organization? Where possible, leaders should provide rewards that appeal to their followers’ intrinsic as well as their extrinsic motivations (Pfeffer et al., 1981). The ability to provide followers with the kinds of reinforcement they seek provides the foundation for this. Other from monetary compensation, what else would motivate you to work hard for your organization? Where possible, leaders should reward followers based on the type of motivation they experience (intrinsic or extrinsic).


Netflix was once just another run-of-the-mill business, but it has emerged as a market leader by adapting to meet consumer demand. In order to adapt to new technologies, the Company’s leadership modified several of its defining characteristics. There were two updates, one in 1999 and the other in 2007. Nonetheless, the Company’s start in 2007 was greatly aided by the success of its video streaming service, which generated significant revenue. Acceptance of digital adaptation and adoption is also required to ensure the satisfaction of both staff and customers.


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