Paper Samples

Our database contains thousands of works of various types, written according to major citation styles’ guidelines. Boost your creativity and take your papers to the next level with our examples.

Trends and Chronology of Hominin Evolution

Primatology refers to the study of primates that are not humans. This includes not only living but fossil apes, monkeys, lemurs, and other species. The study involves examining their behavior and social life. From an anthropological point of view, primatology plays a key role in understanding very early social structure...


Antigone: Tragedy and Film

Antigone, an ancient Greek tragedy written by Sophocles around 442 BC, remains a source of inspiration for multiple play-writers, artists, and filmmakers. It addresses the theme of the internal power of gods and the worldliness of people’s power, the conflict between natural law and governmental one, the significance of justice,...


“Wave”: Safety and Not Taking Chances

Wave is a short story about Ray, Alma, and the waving man. When Ray is going to work, he passes by a house where a man is sitting on the porch waving at people who pass by. This experience intrigues him because at one time he feels guilty when he...


“Lost in the Kitchen” Overview

Humor is a potent tool that helps people to speak about important things in an unserious manner. Dave Barry, in his essay “Lost in the Kitchen,” laughs at typical stereotypes lined with men and female behaviors and traditional occupations. The whole story starts with the phrase that sets a tone...


Farming Human Body Parts: Advantages and Disadvantages

Technology innovation has transformed modern communities in significant ways. New inventions have made organizations profitable and businesspeople wealthy. Medical scientists and doctors have integrated their professional expertise to develop vital human organs. For instance, synthetic technology facilitates stem cells’ growth to emulate the human ear (Seeker, 2017). Moreover, the demand...


Aspects of Leadership and Management

Introduction The question of whether leaders are born or made has plagued many people in leadership for decades. So far, there is no definitive answer to the question that can be successfully proven since if leaders cannot be made, the main focus should be on genetic factors (Boerma et al.,...


Judge Deborah in the Bible

Deborah was the fourth judge who governed the Jewish after Joshua. She was one of the great female leaders in the Old Testament. Deborah was a prophetess who heard the will of God and spread the word of God to the Jews. Also, Deborah was a priestess, although she did...


Susan Cain’s “Quiet” Academic Book Review

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking is a book by Susan Cain published in 2012 where she expresses her point of view that introverts would efficiently occupy leading positions and are generally underestimated in society. Susan Cain is an American lecturer and writer. The...


Tourism Effects on Water in the Caribbean

Water and Tourism: The Impact of Tourism on Water Most tourist recreational activities are done around water bodies, especially on beaches of oceans, seas, or rivers. Generally, the tourism industry overuses water resources for personal use, golf courses, and hotels. This overuse leads to more significant water wastage, shortage, and...


Clio: Management Software for Online Operations

Clio is a management software that allows a legal business to operate online fully. It offers a cloud-based system that allows performing tasks on all levels of managing a business. Client intake, contact, meeting and document management, timekeeping, trust accounting, and billing can all be done through one unified software....


Evolution of the Budget Process

Introduction This report seeks to describe the formulation process of a budget in the United States. The focus has been placed on the fundamental aspects of organizations engaging the executive and the legislative arms of government. Government budgets are guided and stipulated by a set of rules making the entire...


The Massive Arts of Easter Island and Northwest Pacific Coast Inhabitants

Massive arts from prehistoric times cite a contributory factor in the historical advancement of Modernism. Social and cultural traditions have contributed to molding and preserving the items from the ancient civilizations like the moai of Easter Island and the totem poles of the Pacific Northwest of the United States. Easter...


Food Chain: The Problem of Environmental Degradation

Introduction Background The food web is a natural interconnection that describes the manner in which energy is transferred from organism A to B, thereby supporting the survival of both plants and animals. Human beings form an important aspect or part of the food web since they are capable of engaging...


The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA): Relevant Environmental Regulation

The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) is the most relevant environmental regulation to my past employer. Public law, particularly Section C, provides a proper framework for regulating how both hazardous and non-hazardous waste is managed from the point it is generated to the point of disposal (Environmental Protection Agency...


Cultural Elements and Phenomena Theories

Culture is a foundation of every human society, and it is important to analyze its elements such as language, norms, and values from different perspectives. Functionalism constitutes a theory which interprets society as a system which consists of various parts with their own functions, which contribute to making it work...


Diversity and Self-Reflection

Diversity is an integral part of the modern world and societies, which were built on the failures of history of divisions of the previous centuries. It is evident that the given notion is also of paramount importance for ensuring a proper function and stability of a globalized world, where nations...


Tornadoes: Causes and Development

Introduction By definition, a tornado is an intense wind in a rapid rotational motion, which forms a funnel-shaped column. Tornadoes are weather events that occur as a storm and are believed to be the most violent (Amezquita, Valtierra & Adeli, 2017). They are the most hazardous natural disasters causing significant...
